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Greetings! I'm Diablo or Eddy, whichever you like to call me. I'm pretty much a southern graduate student, who spends most of their time studying and even hyperfixating any interest I like! ;3 Some of my interests include music, history, and philosophy. Although I do have my Neocities, this site here on Nekoweb will be similar, but it has a portfolio of my artwork and hopefully it will be a site where I can open up commissions and not just post about them onto my Tumblr, Newgrounds, and so on.


This site here will always be a work in progress, as I will probably update my portfolio as time goes on. I must remind you that this website is for mature audiences. This means there will be sfw content with a high risk of violence, strong language, and suggestive material, but if you are minor, I require you to refrain from viewing any explicit content I may make. I am not liable for distress experienced while viewing.
Thank you,
Eddy ↯

The Weirdo Zone is © Eddy/90sdiablo 2024
Feel free to link me with this button here!

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